Raka | Digital Marketing Blog - Portsmouth, NH & Boston, MA

Ad Character Limits: An Always-Up-to-Date Guide from Raka

Written by Raka | Oct 13, 2023 1:18:02 PM

If you’re like us, you’re constantly searching for the latest updates from advertising networks to know whether your display ads are within the current acceptable limits. Chances are you’re also often frustrated about how much work you have to do to keep up with them.

Good news, then! We’ve put together this list of ad character limits so you’ll never have to go do a search again. We’ll keep on top of the changes as they happen—and they often do—so you don’t have to, and if you find something that’s incorrect, please let us know. Be sure to check out our other always-up-to-date digital advertising guides to ensure all your social media image sizes are correct, your display ads are sized properly, and your video uploads are high quality!

This post was updated most recently on April 30, 2024.

Google Search Ads

Bing Ads

Facebook Ads

Instagram Ads



Pinterest Ads

Expanded text ads, Responsive text ads*

Headline 1: 30 characters
Headline 2: 30 characters
Headline 3: 30 characters
Description Line 1: 90 characters
Description Line 2: 90 characters
Path 1: 15 characters
Path 2: 15 characters
*Responsive text ads require 15 headlines and 4 description lines

Responsive Display Ads

While Responsive Display Ads are primarily a visual media type, they do include copy elements, so we’ve included the full creative specs below. If you’re looking for a complete list of display ad specifications by channel, we’ve got you covered there too.

Responsive Display Ad Logos

Logo File Size: 5120 kb
Logo Sizes:
Square (1:1) and larger than 128 x 128. The recommended size is 1200 x 1200.
Landscape (4:1) and larger than 512 x 128. The recommended size is 1200 x 300.
Logos should be centered and on a transparent background.

Responsive Display Ad Square images

Image ratio: 1:1
Image File Type: .jpg or .png
Image File Size: 5120 kb
Image Sizes: larger than 300 x 300

Responsive Display Ad Landscape images

Image ratio: 1.9:1
Image File Type: .jpg or .png
Image File Size: 5120 kb
Image Sizes: larger than 600×314

Note that like Facebook Ads, text can cover no more than 20% of the images, and some images may be cropped up to 5% horizontally on either side, so you should avoid text altogether whenever possible.

Responsive Display Ad Video

Same as YouTube parameters above. Responsive display ads require YouTube videos of less than 30 seconds to be eligible to run.

Responsive Display Ad Copy

Short Headlines: Up to 5 headlines, 30 characters max per headline.
Long Headlines: 1 headline, 90 characters max.
Descriptions: Up to 5 descriptions, 90 characters max per description
These ads also require you to include your business name, final URL, and provide an option for including call to action text.

Discovery Ads

Just like responsive display ads, Discovery Ads are primarily a visual medium, but they do contain copy elements, so we’ve included them here to be thorough.

Standard Discovery Ads

Discovery Ad Images
Discovery Ad Logos

Logo File Size: 5120 kb
Logo Sizes:
Square (1:1) and larger than 128 x 128. The recommended size is 1200 x 1200.
Landscape (4:1) and larger than 512 x 128. The recommended size is 1200 x 300.
Logos should be centered and on a transparent background.

Discovery Ad Images

File Type: .jpg or .png
Image File Size: No stated limit
Images in Discovery Ads are different than any other image ad Google–or its competitors–has rolled out. There are far fewer limitations on image type or size, and the limitations are primarily on image quality.

Discovery Ad Copy

Headlines: Up to 5 headlines, 40 characters max per headline.
Descriptions: Up to 5 descriptions, 90 characters max per description
These ads also require you to include your business name, final URL, and provide an option for including call to action text.

Discovery Carousel Ads

The parameters for Discovery Carousel Ads are the same as standard Discovery Ads, with the only exceptions being that only one headline and description line are available, and a minimum of two images (not counting the logo) are required instead of just one.

Link Text: 25 characters
Description Line 1: 35 characters
Description Line 2: 35 characters

Callout extensions

Callout Text: 25 characters

Structured snippet extensions*

Structured Snippet: 25 characters
*Structured Snippet Extensions require a pre-selected header and must have a minimum of three and maximum of 10 snippets

Message extensions

Message Extension: 35 characters
Business Name: 25 characters
Message Text: 100 characters

Call extensions

Call Number: 10 digits (standard U.S. phone number)

Price extensions

Header: 25 characters
Cost: Cost in USD
Cost Per: pre-selected list
Description: 25 characters

App extensions

Link Text: 25 characters

Promotion extensions

Promotion Type: Pre-selected list
Item: 20 characters

Location extensions, affiliate extensions

These extensions are pulled from Google partners and don’t have character limits.

Bing Ads

Title 1: 30 characters
Title 2: 30 characters
Ad Text: 80 characters
Path 1: 15 characters
Path 2: 15 characters

Link Text: 25 characters
Description Line 1: 35 characters
Description Line 2: 35 characters

Callout extensions

Callout Text: 25 characters

Structured snippet extensions*

Structured Snippet: 25 characters
*Structured Snippet Extensions require a pre-selected header and must have a minimum of three and maximum of 10 snippets

Call extensions

Call Number: 10 digits (standard U.S. phone number)

Review extensions

Review Text and Review Source Combined: 67 characters


Display ads

Ad Text: 125 characters (note that text over 90 characters has been known to be truncated on mobile devices)
Headline: 27 characters
Link Description: 27 characters

Lead gen ads

Ad Text: 125 characters (note that text over 90 characters has been known to be truncated on mobile devices)
Headline: 25 characters
Link Description: 30 characters

Lead Form

Intro Deadline: 60 characters
Intro Statement: No limit (Raka recommends keeping this to around 150 characters)
Form Headline: No limit (Raka recommends keeping this under 50 characters)
Privacy Policy Link: 70 characters
Thank You Headline: 60 characters
Thank You Description: No limit (Raka recommends keeping this to around 100 characters)
Button Text: 60 characters

Collection ads

Ad Text: 90 characters
Headline: 25 characters

Ad Text: 125 characters (note that text over 90 characters has been known to be truncated on mobile devices)
Headline: 40 characters
Link Description: 20 characters

Video ads

Ad Text: 125 characters (note that text over 90 characters has been known to be truncated on mobile devices)
Headline: 27 characters
Link Description: 27 characters


Display ads

Primary text: 125 characters
Headline: 40 characters
Maximum number of hashtags: 30

Video ads

Primary text: 125 characters
Maximum number of hashtags: 30


Primary text: 125 characters


Primary text: 125 characters
Maximum number of hashtags: 30
Landing page URL required

Lead gen ads

Caption: 2,200 characters, but Raka recommends keeping it under 150

Lead Form

Intro Headline: 60 characters
Intro Statement: No limit (Raka recommends keeping this to around 150 characters)
Form Headline: No limit (Raka recommends keeping this to <50 characters)
Privacy Policy Link: 70 characters
Thank You Headline: 60 characters
Thank You Description: No limit (Raka recommends keeping this to around 100 characters)
Button Text: 60 characters


Summary Card

Title: 70 characters
Tweet Copy: 140 characters
Description: 200 characters

Website card

Tweet Copy: 280 characters
Website Title Length: 70 characters

App card

Tweet Copy: 280 characters
Title/Price: pulled from link to the app store
CTA Options: install (default if app is not installed), open (default if app is installed), play, shop, book, connect and order

Video app card

Title (under video): 70 characters
Tweet Copy: 280 characters
Description: 200 characters

Player card

Tweet Copy: 140 characters
Title (under video): 200 characters
Description (under video): 200 characters

Conversational ad card

Tweet Copy: 280 characters
Hashtag: 21 characters
Pre-Populated User Tweet: 256 characters
Headline: 23 characters
Thank You Text: 23 characters
Thank You URL (optional): 23 characters


Sponsored content

The supplied URL will automatically scrape in title and image, but you can also upload images manually

Messages (formerly Sponsored InMail)

Body Copy: 1,500 characters
Sender’s Name: 30 characters
Subject Line: 60 characters

Dynamic ads

Follow company ads

Primary CTA (below images): 50 characters
Secondary CTA (above images): 70 characters
Company Name: 25 characters
Choose a CTA Button: “Visit company” or “Visit careers”

Spotlight ads

Primary CTA (below images): 50 characters
Secondary CTA (above images): 70 characters

Jobs you might be interested in ads

Company Name: 25 characters

Picture yourself ads

Company Name: 25 characters

Display ads

No copy is needed for these ads

Text ads

Headline: 25 characters
Description: 75 characters


Promoted pins

Description Copy: 500 characters, but Raka recommends keeping it to around 250

Promoted video pins

Description Copy: 500 characters, but Raka recommends keeping it to around 250

If you found this useful and you’re looking for more help with your advertising efforts, why not download our guide below or contact us today?