Results That Matter to You

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design, dev, ux
Kennebunk Savings Bank Designed a new, modern website to give a well-established local bank a fresh new appeal. 
A good website is the cornerstone of your online marketing efforts. 
content, email marketing, seo, social media
in organic
massAV With a comprehensive, yearlong effort to optimize the website for core terms, Raka was able to increase 2017 organic traffic by over 50%. 
SEO is about finding balance in combining keywords with concepts. Start with a concept and focus in on a long-tail keyword rather than the other way around.
branding, content, seo
more sessions
Sentient Achieved a 356% increase in website sessions over four months.
A session is a group of user interactions with your website that take place within a given time frame. For example, a single session can contain multiple page views, events, social interactions, and ecommerce transactions. 
increase in
FIRST Increased traffic from text ads 320% over six months.
Text ads are the ads that appear when someone searches for your product or service on Google. It's important to run search ad tests to ensure that you're staying ahead of trends and aren't spending money on outdated efforts.
increase in
Fertility Centers of New England Increased search ad conversion rate 142% year over year.
The conversion rate is the average number of conversions per ad click.
in sales
Coolcore 138% increase in sales for an athletic wear company.
Digital marketing is one of the most popular ways for businesses to try to increase sales. In fact, spending on digital marketing is projected to increase by anywhere from 12-15 percent.
content, lead generation
increase in
Xeros Increased the average number of web leads brought in each month by 45% over two years. 
Website visitors who convert on a form are considered leads, and are more qualified than leads from purchased lists or cold calling because they've engaged with your brand. 
increase in
Fertility Centers of New England Increased Facebook leads 1,124% year over year.
Facebook advertising provides a large audience and in-depth targeting that any client can take advantage of.
more leads
Kennebunk Savings Bank Increased leads from search advertising 95% over four months.
SEO increases your site’s search ranking for content using keywords. When potential customers search for those keywords, they find your content in the search results and follow those links back to your site, creating organic traffic and leads. 
in traffic
Coolcore Achieved a 198% increase in traffic from search ads.
Search ads are one of the main digital advertising types we recommend to clients. They're what appears at the top of your page when you do a Google search.
social media
increase in
social media
DWC Increased sessions from social media 203% year over year.
Social media is a channel where you can tell your brand's story and connect with your customers, supporters, and even critics.
content, seo
more traffic
MassAV By following Raka's content strategy, massAV increased overall website traffic 157% year over year from 2014 to 2017.
A content strategy consists of identifying your buyer personas, creating content for those personas, distributing the content, and analyzing your campaign. 
design, email marketing
DWC Designed sleek, modern email, landing page, and thank you page templates that are customizable for the company's various industry events. 
Landing pages and thank you pages help with lead generation and reinforcing the value of your brand.
social media
increase in
social media
Bose Ride Increased number of Facebook fans by 236% and Twitter followers by 214% year over year.
Social media marketing is an important piece of a strong inbound marketing strategy.
content, design, dev, ux
PlaneSense Raka achieved an immediate 30% increase in pages per session and 26% increase in pageviews with the launch of a new website.
Page views are one the most common KPIs (key performance indicators) that marketers track to determine the number of times specific website pages were viewed. They are a particularly useful metric when looking at traffic to individual website pages.
increase in
Puritan Achieved a 62% increase in organic traffic year over year.
Organic traffic is web traffic that comes from search engines, and tracking it gives us an idea of a website's search optimization.
design, dev, ux
The Music Hall By rethinking how users want to purchase tickets online, we were able to build a modern, easy-to-use website for a local historic theater.
Digital marketing calls for constant evolution. Stay on top of UX trends and incorporate new technology to suit consumer needs. 
content, social media
increase in
social media
MassAV By delivering on-brand content to social channels, Raka has increased massAV's social traffic by over 100% year over year (2016-2017).
Social platforms are the perfect avenue for actively interacting with your follows and encouraging content sharing. 
increase in
Kennebunk Savings Bank In four months, we were able to increase search impressions by 27%.
Search impressions are how often your ad is shown. An impression is counted each time your ad is shown on a search result page or other site.
content, seo
more blog
Xeros Xeros and Raka increased blog traffic by 35% year over year by creating quality content optimized for specific search terms.
The days of keyword stuffing are over. Search engines now value the quality of the content over the quantity of keywords.
branding, content, seo
more users
Sentient Achieved a 340% increase in website users over four months.
When you visit a website for the first time, a User ID (cookie) is placed on your computer. This helps track how many new users visited your website over a period of time.  
Fertility Centers of New England Created 3.6 million more impressions year over year.
Impressions are the number of times your content is displayed in search engine results.
content, lead generation
more leads
Bose Ride Achieved a 27% increase in leads from organic traffic year over year by building targeted content campaigns.
Use buyer personas—semi-fictional representations of your ideal customer based on market research and what you already know about your existing customers—to create targeted content. 
branding, design, dev
Schlotterbeck & Foss Designed and developed a website that captures the brand's balance of rich tradition and evolving sophistication.
The website design and development process consists of five steps: discover, plan, create, measure, and evolve—all of which help us to create a custom website just for you.
in CTR
FIRST Increased search click through rate 84% over four months.
Your clickthrough rate (CTR) shows how often people who view your ad end up clicking it. You can use your click through rate to understand how well your images, positioning, and keywords are working.
ux, design, branding
MassAV Raka's responsive design brought fresh life to massAV's online presence and brand, bringing their website firmly into a mobile era.
Mobile optimizations includes updating site design, structure, page speed, and more to ensure mobile users have a quality experience.
more leads
Fertility Centers of New England Increased leads 43% year over year.
Every lead is a potential sale. More leads = more sales!
branding, design, dev
Upton & Hatfield Gave a historic legal brand in NH new life by introducing modern colors that now extend to all branded assets—including their website.
Color alone increases brand recognition by up to 80 percent.
in CTR
Fertility Centers of New England Increased search ad click-through rate 55% year over year.
Use your CTR to determine which ads are working and which ones are not. 
automation, email marketing
open rate
FIRST Achieved email open rates of 50% and higher for marketing and fundraising emails.
Email open and click rates are two of the most important metrics in email marketing.
in leads
PlaneSense Increased leads from display ads 108% year over year.
Display ads are responsible for creating valuable brand impressions that help to drive more searches.
automation, email marketing, lead generation
FIRST Created automated email responses for new leads based on specific program interest to increase top-of-the-funnel engagement.
The inbound marketing methodology consists of four stages: attract, convert, close, and delight. Inbound marketing works to draw potential customers to you by providing them with the answers and solutions they’re searching for at every stage of their buyer’s journey. 
lead generation
FIRST Increased year-over-year leads by almost 10% in less than six months.
Establishing a digital presence and actively engaging with your audience helps to capture and convert leads. 
design, dev
Bose Ride Created a unique brand presence for the Bose Ride product with a new website while maintaining the integrity of Bose's strong parent mark.
Establishing brand guidelines is essential to creating a new website that will consistently and effectively represent your brand and messaging. 
lead generation
more leads
Puritan Achieved an 84% increase in leads from site, year over year.
Lead generation starts when a website visitor clicks on a call-to-action (CTA) on your website that sends them to a landing page. They complete a form that collects their contact information and they are considered a lead and added to your contact database.
social media
increase in
PlaneSense Increased YouTube audience by over 30% in a single month.
Get discovered on YouTube by focusing as much on the text that accompanies your videos as you do on the video content. Draw viewers in with interesting titles and optimized descriptions. Don't forget an intriguing thumbnail! 
more views
Puritan Increased blog post views 143% year over year.
When writing a blog post, it's important to use H tags, which are HTML elements that organize a page and determine what readers and search engines should care about.
branding, content, seo
more traffic
Bose Ride With a Raka strategy aimed at building brand awareness, Bose Ride achieved a 217% increase in website traffic year over year.
Consistency = brand recognition and brand recognition = $$$.
increase in
Bose Ride Increased traffic to the website from advertising by 104% in six months.
Fine-tune and streamline your advertising efforts by looking at campaign performance, keywords, networks, demographics, and schedule. 
content, design, lead generation
Kennebunk Savings Bank Researched, drafted, and designed a full guide to first-time homebuying to attract new mortgage leads for a banking client.
Buyer personas can benefit your entire business transaction even beyond inbound marketing. Honest buyer personas improve your sales pitch, your customer service, and your product development.
branding, design, dev
DWC Created a website with a unique modern look to help our client stand out in a crowded, sometimes stodgy industry.
One of the most important services we provide to our clients is helping them evolve and stay relevant within their industry. 
FIRST Created 2.5 million more impressions over two months.
An impression is recorded whenever a link URL appears in the search results pages for a user. 
more revenue
Coolcore Digital advertising led to a 184% increase in revenue.
Your return on investment (ROI) tells you what you get back for the time, resources, and money you put in. As an equation, it often looks like this: (Sales Growth – Marketing Investment) / Marketing Investment = ROI
automation, content, email marketing
email open
Xeros Achieved email open rates of 50% and higher for lead nurturing workflows targeting the most downloaded content offers.
Personalized emails and smart content help a lead to feel recognized, increasing the likelihood of them becoming a paying customer.
Fertility Centers of New England Decreased Facebook cost per lead 86% year over year.
The cost-per-lead (CPL) is critical in determining whether you are losing or making money with Facebook ads. 
advertising, lead generation
in leads
FIRST Increased leads from paid campaigns 18% over four months.
A campaign is a set of ad groups (ads, keywords, and bids) that share a budget, location targeting, and other settings. 
design, dev, ux
C&J Bus Lines Designed and developed a new website, complete with a unique ticket purchasing functionality that made for a much improved user experience.
Tailoring your website to meet the needs of your consumer base is integral to the success of your company.
lead generation
increase in
new contacts
Puritan Achieved a 298% increase in new contacts from organic traffic year over year. 
Lead generation starts when a website visitor clicks on a call-to-action (CTA) on your website that sends them to a landing page. They complete a form that collects their contact information and they are considered a lead and added to your contact database.
in leads
PlaneSense Increased overall leads 134% year over year.
A sales lead is a potential sales contact that expresses an interest in your goods or services. 
email marketing
increase in
Puritan Increased email subscribers 218% year over year. 
Use email marketing to take advantage of targeted messaging and personalization in nurturing leads.
in CTR
PlaneSense Increased click-through rate on digital ads 26% year over year.
A high click-through rate indicates that people find your ads useful and relevant. 
email marketing, lead generation
of leads
Relyco Lead nurturing efforts saw 44% of contacts turn into customers in a year.
Leads are considered "qualified" when they reach a certain level of engagement with online content and are more likely to respond to being marketed or sold to. 
design, dev, lead generation, ux
PlaneSense Raka's stylish design brought the brand's website up to luxury brand standards, delivering a more sales-and-marketing friendly presence.
Step #2 of the website design process is setting SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound) goals and identifying key performance indicators (KPIs), and using that information to build a full digital marketing and website strategy.
content, seo
increase in
organic traffic
Bose Ride Increased organic traffic to the Bose Ride site by 49% year over year.
Organic traffic is web traffic that comes from search engines, and tracking it gives us an idea of a website's search optimization.
in CPL
Fertility Centers of New England Decreased cost per lead for search advertising 13% year over year.
Knowing your cost per lead (CPL) helps set your sales goals and advertising budget. To calculate CPL, divide the total advertising dollars spent by the number of leads that came in.
more leads
PlaneSense Increased search advertising leads 406% year over year.
Search ads are one of the main digital advertising types we recommend to clients. They're what appears at the top of your page when you do a Google search.
Xeros After an SEO audit and numerous site improvements, Xeros began ranking on the first page of search results for several key terms.
SEO audits examine the search optimization of each page in a website and allow us to pinpoint and fix problem areas.
increase in
FIRST Increased traffic from online advertising 54% over 4 months.
Online advertising is perhaps the most basic way to get more people to visit your site. Social media, paid search, and display advertising are all excellent channels for PPC advertising to boost website traffic.
Xeros Built manual lead scoring in HubSpot with values for all downloadable assets, and created workflows to set lifecycle stages based on score.
Lead scoring gives you the information you need to know whether a prospect is ready for further lead nurturing, like an email campaign or a call from a sales representative. 
branding, content, seo
Sentient Achieved a 279% increase in pageviews over four months.
Pageviews help marketers to determine what our audiences are interested in, how well our website pages are optimized for search, and what the user behavior trends are.
more traffic
Fertility Centers of New England Increased traffic 29% year over year.
Website traffic growth is a marketing metric that measures the increase or decrease in visitors to your site typically either month-over-month or year-over-year.
more leads
Kennebunk Savings Bank Achieved a 386% growth in leads from display ads in four months. 
Digital advertising is meant to supplement other marketing efforts, boosting your presence in search, increasing your reach on social media, and growing your audience via display ads.
increase in
Kennebunk Savings Bank During a seasonal campaign, display clicks were increased by 167% over four months.
Every part of a campaign—content offers, blog posts, emails, and social media posts—should work in harmony to drive leads and win over your customers. 
branding, content, design, seo
Global Aquaculture Alliance Created a gorgeous website that allows for frequent content updates, which the client needs to keep audiences educated.
Keeping active with frequent—if not daily—updates is integral to the efficacy of your marketing strategy. Updating your customers will drive engagement, stimulate conversation, and allow you to connect with your audience. 
automation, lead generation
Promocentric Created automated workflows to score and assign leads, streamlining the marketing and sales process. 
Automation aims to remove the manual work from repetitive tasks and data collection in marketing contexts, making marketing efforts more efficient and targeted.
increase in
Kennebunk Savings Bank Increased ads conversion rate 194% over four months.
Ad conversion rates are calculated by taking the number of conversions and dividing it by the number of total ad clicks that can be tracked to a conversion during the same time period. For example, if you had 50 conversions from 1,000 clicks, your conversion rate would be 5%, since 50 ÷ 1,000 = 5%.
C&J Bus Lines Automated a highly manual email process, allowing for time savings for a small marketing team.
The ability to automate has standardized some of the best practices for marketers, making those best practices easier to execute on.
increase in
PlaneSense Increased conversion rate for digital ads 11% year over year.
A conversion rate is calculated by taking the number of conversions and dividing that by the number of total ad clicks that can be tracked to a conversion during the same time period.
increase in
FIRST Increased search impressions 169% over six months.
An impression is recorded whenever a link URL appears in the search results pages for a user. When a page from the search results is opened, an impression is recorded for the URL which the search snippet points to.